Soaking Up The Sun

Alright, so, I am about 103% sure that I have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD.) Which is also known as "Winter blues." So basically, it is depression that is (in my case) amplified in the winter.

Which is, you know, great seeing as I have always lived in New England. Here's the thing though, it does not help to already be having a terrible winter- no, semester.

On the upside, there is sun other places in this world. There is sun and heat and warmth and everything I could possibly want.

One of those places in Mexico. And did you know that you can cruise all around Mexico? It's true. You can. And it's lovely.

So yeah, that is where I have been.

A Change Is Gonna Come

Here is the thing about these last, oh, seven months- they were hard. Really hard. They were physically hard, emotionally hard, mentally hard.

I just wrote hard enough times that the word has become unnecessarily dirty.

Thankfully though, I've made it this far. I have made it through a semester and a half. Which, to be perfectly honest, I was convinced I could not do by November. But look at that, here I am.

I don't always stand up straight. I usually forget to smile. The tears still come too easy. But I am almost done here.

At least for the summer.

I don't know what comes next. Hell, I don't even know what comes next week. I do know though, that I can take it. Maybe not in the most graceful way. Maybe not with a smile and confidence, but I can.

And that, is a step. In the right direction? Who knows. I just know that I am moving again.

Remember When I Knew How To Write?

I don't.

Not really anyways. But I think I might be getting a hang of it again, just maybe.

I've got posts sitting here, draft after draft. I've got real writing too. Is this 'fake' writing?

Regardless. I'm doing this again. I really am.